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你買的發熱衣 真的會發熱嗎? 有感覺嗎?
Does Your Thermal Clothing Work? Can You Actually Feel It?
Are you constantly trying to escape the cold? Wearing thermal clothing will definitely help, but before you throw your money away, think about what you’re getting. Does the material actually heat me up or is it just thick? Is there a more valuable option? You would think there is, but where?
feHot Fibre is a natural or synthetic substance
The heat-generating fibers origins are Japan and German.
Japan is the first country to successfully supply heat-generating fibers to the international market. The current thermal clothing specifications for the world market are based on the standards established by Japan’s Textile Federation and this paved the way for mass production of heat-generating fibers about 10 years ago. The fibers were initially used for industrial purposes. Just a year later, manufacturing heat-generating fibers for consumer use was approved and with it came our Heating Weak Acid Fibers.
Should Thermal Clothing be inexpensive?
You don’t have to look far to find the cold truth about consumer thermal clothing. It’s average, no different than a t-shirt, and rather inexpensive.
However, the cost of one kilogram of the heat-generating fiber is actually five times greater than that of cotton. How can thermal clothing be selling at the same price with cotton T-shirts? According to the facts above, you would think thermal clothing would be more expensive, right? That’s correct! Active thermal clothing that meets standards costs far more than the fair market price of “thermal” clothing.
Even if the concentration of the heat-generating fiber is 100%, the temperature cannot exceed 10°C. How can a commercial advertise claim the test report of thermal clothing that it could raise to 13°C? Looking at the report more carefully, we can see that a halogen lamp was used to heat it in the laboratory first, then the temperature rising test was performed. This figure can’t reflect if the subject can actively heat up or not.
An ideal thermal clothing can "Actively Heat Up" and "Actively Adjust Humidity" no matter what temperature or air humidity conditions.

If the Room temperature is over 22°C, the active heat generating clothes will make it too warm for the wearer. Can you guess why this heat-generating fiber is so rare?

Few manufacturers in the world have the ability to produce heat-generating fibers like Heating Weak Acid Fibers. This limitation is associated with the high cost of polymerization but can also be a cause of location.

Only well-established textile manufacturers have the financial resources to research, develop, and implement these production processes.

陳小姐 45歲 ● 職業婦女






鄭小姐 24歲 ● 自營美妝代購







陳小姐 32歲 ● 行銷企劃專員




林小姐40歲 ● 外商高階主管



Sensitive to the cold or ready for adventure?

If you’ve experienced the bitter feeling of a harsh winter with the bone chill of a fierce wind, we can certainly agree on one thing – being cold is miserable. Here are the typical issues with cold weather:

Cold hands and feet

People who feel the cold more than others may have high expectations of thermal clothing while buying thermal clothing, hoping that they would not have to bear with the cold anymore. However, most of the thermal clothing has left them disappointed. Distinguishing ideal thermal clothing is a lesson. Adventurous or not, cold hands and feet plague your life in the winter. Our feHot technology prevents cold hands and feet, helping you avoid sickness and keeping you inspired. Fire place or duck blind, feHot technology is designed to purify your skin and heat your body.



Distorted Clothes

A cold-sensitive person can spend a quarter-fortune in an attempt to stay warm. Whether buying clothes or paying an outrageous heating bill, avoiding the cold comes at a cost. Generic thermal clothing begins to deform and lose its shape, revealing corrugated edges and thinner fabric. Who wants that? Either way, you end up spending relatively the same amount for stiff, irritating clothes.

The key to determining the integrity of a fabric is the weaving technology of the yarn. Generic thermal clothing usually adopts one yarn as the fiber’s core, while another fiber is wound clockwise around it. This method causes deformity in your clothes. Imagine when you were 9 years-old, playing tug-o-war with your neighbors. It is like the rope. When you constantly apply a twisting force in the same direction, the rope becomes tighter. The same effect occurs with cheap fabrication. Fibers become twisted into loose strips and as a result, your clothes are damaged and effectively ruined. Good riddance!

To solve this problem, aPure have two yarns wrapped in different directions, so that the cloth can be firm without being affected by wringing when washing. With feHot technology, your heart stays warm all winter long.

Stuffy and Sticky cloth causes Rashes

Cheap thermal clothing is suffocating. Sitting all day in sweat–trapped-clothes is begging for red, dry and itchy skin. The cold rash, you don’t have to live with it. The cellulose fiber made from wood pulp like TENCEL™ branded fibers feature excellent breathability, as well as low thermal conductivity, which is warm and breathable, heating but not stuffy, heat storing but not dry.

feHot contains high percentage of TENCEL™ branded fibers blended with Acrylate, it is the better choice. Rock your winter woes to sleep in the comfy, cozy feHot by aPure.


一分錢一分貨, 真的“有感”發熱!

鍾年湧 (桃園市)
本人兩年前曾買過貴公司的產品襪子及發熱衣,本次透過 APP 再度下單購買,很滿意送貨快速。剛收到新的多彩發熱衣,試穿結果,感覺觸感柔軟舒適,比較之前產品,有很大的進步。

如何分辨  [ 真假發熱衣原理? ]



 feHot 含有發熱弱酸纖維 Ac



Polymer fiber tips


What’s Polymer Fiber?      

Because of it properties, polymer fiber is popular within aerospace, automotive, medical, and textile industries. A fiber like “ultra-lightweight carbon fiber” is a type of durable polymer.

Like Heating Weak Acid Fibers, the chemical properties of polymer fiber have greater tensile strength, better abrasion resistance, and better ductility than ordinary fibers.

Polymer also has high plasticity, meaning these fibers can be shaped easily, making them form fitting. Don't get it twisted, there are so many polymer fibers but only eco-friendly, botanic ones and processes are used in creating feHot clothing. 

Truth is, the following fibers are commonly found in the market which don’t generate heat.





1. Polyester fiber

This chemical fiber has a hollow tubular column, making its structure like a straw. The column contains still air to block heat convection. It’s an excellent material for heat conduction and can absorb the radiant heat of the human body, that is the longer the wearing time is, the more the heat energy is lost, and the colder the wearer will feel. The advantages of polyester fiber include being lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture and it is the most commonly used fiber component.

2. Rayon Fiber
Rayon was the first synthetic fiber. In 1884, some manufacturers claim that rayon can absorb moisture and heat up 3°C ~9°C, but rayon fiber itself can actually not “heat up” at all. Furthermore, low-quality rayon fiber easily fades after encountering water, so some clothes made of cheap rayon are marked as "dry clean only". The texture is soft, smooth, cool and has good water absorption, but it cannot block heat convection. Renewable rayon is very low-cost, and cheap thermal clothing usually contains high percentage of it.
縲縈纖維 RayonFiber

3. Acrylic Fiber

Initially developed to imitate wool, acrylic fiber has a history of more than 100 years. It has a soft and fluffy feel and is lightweight, but it does not generate heat. Being fluffy means that a large volume of space is formed on the skin surface through the long fibers of cloth, which blocks some heat convection by the air, thus giving it a better heat storage effect than the hollow fiber, but it still cannot effectively control the loss of heat energy.

壓克力纖維 Acrylic Fiber

4. Far Infrared Fiber
It was developed more than 20 years ago, but it never been favored by consumers, mainly because there are too many counterfeit products, or the proportion of far infrared fibers in garments is so low that consumers do not feel its effects.
Far infrared fiber is used to absorb natural light and heat or absorb and reflect the radiant heat released by the human body and convert it into far infrared with a wavelength of 8∼14 μm. While a good material for actively absorbing heat radiation, it does not generate heat itself, nor can it control heat conduction and convection.

遠紅外線纖維 Far Infrared Fiber


 feHot 發熱衣全系列
聚丙烯酸酯 Acrylate

You need to get real thermal! Clothing that interweaves and interlaces active heat-generating fibers. Heating Acrylate Fibers with TENCEL™ fibers adjust humidity on the skin’s surface. When the humidity is high, TENCEL™ fibers actively absorb the moisture. When the skin’s surface is too dry, it will actively liberate the moisture.

It's not only breathable and gentle on the skin, the fiber also has low thermal conductivity and is resistant to wrinkles.

feHot, the thermal clothing with the best value for the money on earth!! 

Here’s a simple count: 






















We know your concerns, Spending Money on the Right Stuff.

A. The heat-generating clothing yarns of feHot come from Japan; even if Japanese currency is devalued, it cannot reduce costs. Of course we know low price is more attractive, but we would never change the material because it is nothing more than sacrificing the market, trust, and value!

B. One article of feHot heat-generating clothing is equal to more than 2-3 articles of cheap thermal clothing, but aPure wants you to have a sense of reality and warmth. Unless you want to buy something seems like money saving but doesn’t work at all.

No More Dry or Itchy skin even without applying lotion

feHot heat-generating clothing has surprised our Japanese raw material supplier by combining 3 different yarns to solve the problem of static electricity and dry skin itching in cold and dry weather, it’s perfectly suitable for people with dry skin or those who are just too lazy to apply lotion.

Look closer, there’s a delicate stripe on the fabric with a furry feeling, which greatly increases the comfort of wearing. Even after times of washing, the shape and the feeling of touch maintain the same. No more hesitation and try it immediately!

Special Weaving Method Keeps the Shape Last Longer

There is nothing more disappointing than finding your clothes deformed after wearing them just a few times. You blame the washer or dryer, but then what? You should replace it with a higher quality product.

feHot series apply the professional anti-deformation “S-twist + Z-twist alternates weaving” adds an interlocking fiber that balances the weaving of the fabric so harsh twisting and pulling will not alter the integrity of the cloth, no deformation will occur, the surface will be elastic and stretchy. 



 aPure  feHot 發熱衣採用的成分都是經過認證與檢驗的,發熱纖維更是日本進口,早就經過層層把關,更在面料中添加 32-33% 高比例的奧地利 LENZING TENCEL ®天絲棉,摸起來手感自然實在,更加強了吸濕排汗的透氣纖維,把穿著舒適度提升的淋漓盡致!

銷售多年多以來,有的朋友第一次光臨時試買一件,接下來就是五六件在帶,回購率超過八成二以上老朋友一買再買,自己穿不夠,送給朋友長輩的,更是大有人在,這就證明了 feHot 真的非常好穿好用

★★★再度提醒您,每一年的 feHot 發熱衣都是限量發售有貨,就要快下手,否則真的要等明年了!

他牌平價發熱衣-火焰大 延燒快、延燒痕跡捲曲變形、面積大 味道像是燒塑膠的感覺,有臭味 feHot發熱衣火-焰較小 延燒慢、延燒痕跡平整、面積小 味道有點像是燒紙的感覺,天然清新

織造天數業界最高 60 天
 aPure 考倒織造廠的嚴格工法

Whispering: Our designers mentioned that the weaving factory of feHot complains that it takes only 20 days to weave other clothing, but it takes 60 days to weave aPure clothing, we are one of their difficult customers.

feHot is created to deliver real heat-generating effects to the body by a strict and detailed weaving method. The quality is never diminished, and we will never diminish the feelings of our customers!

如果您手上有一般品牌發熱衣,請拿起來做個實驗。將衣料撐開對著光線看,您會發現組織之間孔洞明顯,如果用力一撐,布料的經緯線是分開的,透光度更高,有點像是絲襪被撐開的感覺。您想想這樣透光的布料,能幫助您把體溫保存下來嗎? 而且這樣鬆散的布料組織,能確實提供發熱的功能嗎?

 aPure  feHot 發熱衣的布料可是截然不同!拿起 feHot 對著光照,首先你會發現透光度較低,面料的經緯線緊密交織。將 feHot 布料用力撐開,您會發現布料的感覺細密扎實,而且不會有輕易拉開變形的鬆垮感。

我們的設計師透露,feHot 面料的織造廠抱怨說:織別人家的布只要 20 天,織你們 aPure 的布要 60 天你們的錢真難賺啦!由此可知, feHot 真的是透過嚴格細密的織造工法,讓發熱的效果扎扎實實的傳遞到我們的身上,絕對不對品質打折,也不讓各位朋友的感受打折!




我們挑選高單價的商品時,都會考慮到CP值,也就是價格價值比,譬如 : 像買汽車、電腦、家電等。而 feHot 發熱衣系列商品在發熱衣市場來說,單價是相對比較高昂的,但我們可以大聲告訴您 feHot 的老客戶回購率也是最高的!為什麼呢?

因為 feHot 發熱衣,身為業界的領導品牌,無論在技術材質、設計上都致力於追求進步不敢有絲毫的鬆懈,為了滿足各個族群,每年都有不同的商品推出!!!

2016年全新 feHot 也是秉持這種態度,打造七大再創新,跨越舊時代”內衣感”發熱衣的思考方向把發熱衣推向更生活化、更精緻化的巔峰!我們的老客戶總說:你們的發熱衣貴是貴,但是送禮體面自用舒適,真的很值得買!歡迎您也來體驗看看!




7 KEY Benifits of feHot


The raw materials adopt the active moisture-absorbing and heat-generating fiber imported from Japan. Each piece of feHot clothing contains Japan’s TOYOBO Heating Acrylate Fibers. It absorbs sweat and regulates humidity and temperature for the best wearing experience.

The fibers have a silky elegant luster, as well as excellent moisture-absorbing and heat-generating properties. The SGS certificated that it can heat up to 6°C! feHot is perfect for tackling cold weather and especially attractive for people who is sensitive to cold.

Gentle and Smooth like silk, No Itching & No Irritating.

feHot is made with Eco-soft materials and is biodegradable. In addition, feHot is smooth as silk with twice the softness of cotton, laying gently on the body with no itchy sensation.

The natural anti-wrinkle property gives feHot clothing a low shrinkage rate preventing the stiffness seen in cotton yarn clothing.

All feHot clothing retains its characteristics through heavy washing.

Heat Storage

FeHot fabric has a fine fleece finish with a velvety inner layer. It feels as thick and soft as down feather, effectively blocking heat convection.

Through the thin and dense space on the surface, feHot accumulates heat between the human body and clothing. This heat is stored and circulated keeping you warm all winter long.

Quick-Wicking & Humidity Regulating

The Heating Weak Acid Fibers fiber in feHot acts as a humidity regulator with 5 times the effect of natural cotton. It is a performance indicator of the moisture absorption and releasing effect of the existing fibers and can intelligently regulate humidity and temperature as air circulates.

The fiber is very fine, with an obvious moisture absorbing permeability.  Your clothes stay dry, you stay comfortable, and your skin becomes moisturized without the stickiness! The greatest benefit of the quick wick tech is that feHot fibers help you avoid the cold sweat.

Keep you Clean & Smell Fresh

The active heat-generating fiber Heating Acrylate Fibers used in feHot has a unique structure for acid-based neutralization, eliminating odor caused by sweat reacting with bacteria in the air.

Blended with TENCEL™ fibers, it creates a unique environment that is unfavorable for bad bacteria and prevents sulfide and nitride odors.

No Deformation

aPure has implemented a special weaving technique for feHot clothing to make it durable and does not cur or fray at the edges. Using alternate weaving methods such as this adds to the durability of the clothing.

Remember the tug –o-war rope from your child? Imagine playing with a generic thermal shirt, and then replace it with feHot technology. It is certain that feHot’s structural integrity is the best on the market but we advise against using it as a rope. It works much better as heat-generating clothing.


Reduce Static Electricity

Dry, cold air is more of an insulator of static electricity, you might get zapped when touch a metal object or another person.

feHot contains high percentage of TENCEL™ fibers which are low-static material, also the Heating Weak Acid Fibers used by feHot can retain a moderate amount of moisture in the body to avoid getting static electricity shock caused by friction or rubbing.

Why people who don’t mind the cold still buy feHot ?
Heat Generation and Control

“Sweat less.” Eskimo culture survives on this wisdom. It keeps your body free of moisture. The science behind this thought is of moisture’s dynamic form. It can heat or cool quickly. 

Working long hours, leaving early and getting home late. The occasional graveyard shift. Professionals in the service industry see it all, and their biological clocks take the toll. With low body temperature and leukocyte activity, catching a bug more than once is inevitable. That’s no way to enjoy a pure life. This is why Police officers, pilots, and delivery workers are among our primary customers. feHot protects them while they put in the hard hours. 

Have you ever put something wet in your freezer? The moisture freezes before the object. The same effect happens to your body, which is what causes colds and fevers. In some cases, hypothermia will set in, and as all mountain climbers must know, the rise and fall of body temperature is lethal. feHot’s heat-generative fiber  converts moisture into heat while simultaneously venting excess moisture. This forms a dual exhaust that regulates your body by heating, cooling or drying as necessary.

這也是為什麼 feHot 發熱衣能夠成為
過去五年來 aPure 冬季送禮第一首選


feHot Active 發熱衣系列

feHot 柔感發熱衣:
發熱纖維聚丙烯酸酯+ Modal 莫代爾柔感紗


為什麽feHo柔感發熱衣 使用MicroModalAir有以下優點
  1. Biodegradable Manufacturing Process doesn’t contribute to pollution.
  2. Wrinkle-resistant and perfectly fit.
  3. Quick-Wicking & Easy Clean.
  4. No friction, No irritating, No fading, No residue, No shrinking.
  5. Mixed & Blended with cotton and Acrylates, smooth and gentle to skin.
  6. High percentage of the lightest, luxurious Tencel™ fiber.
  7. Heat-retaining, heat-generating and breathable.
  8. Both Hand Washing and Machine Washing are applicable.
  9. Durable and drapes naturally against your body.
  10. Self Humidity Regulating, no itchy and no static.
fehot發熱衣洗滌保養注意事項 生活多用點心節能省碳一起來





feHot發熱衣 常見問題Q&A 「真正有感發熱」體驗分享


A:feHot 發熱衣,染整過程全程都通過歐盟ECO label的台灣染整廠,有非常嚴格的色牢度標準,出廠之前也都經過水洗處理。只是每位消費者的洗滌習慣不同,使用洗衣劑的方式也不一樣,所以貼心建議您,為了慎重起見前幾次洗滌時,請與淺色白色衣物分開處理。除非遇到有漂白效果的洗衣劑,否則是不會有褪色狀況的。


A:feHot 發熱衣,為了確保每一個消費者都能買的安心,穿的健康!建議您在購買前仔細挑選尺寸與顏色,以免發生爭議。除非是有瑕疵品的情形我們將無條件退換,如果使用無效,我們也不需要您退貨,直接退費給您。


A:aPure有設立直營門市,並且在各大百貨也有專櫃為您服務。您也可以到我們銷售點參考購買,此外如果您想寄給遠方的親友,建議您先在網路訂購將收貨人地址填寫清楚,一樣能為親友購買。我們目前有提供香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞出貨服務!!!歡迎大家踴躍選購,香港澳門享TWD $990全程到府免運包郵優惠(購買一件即免運),新加坡馬來西亞享TWD $1800全程到府免運包郵優惠,敬請多加運用;其他國家將陸續安排開放,建議可運用當地集貨服務訂購,感謝您。


aPure 承諾與保證

Our Commitments and Assurances








贏得好口碑,顧客回購率高達 82%



發熱衣是一款由aPure首創的冬季限定保暖發熱衣款,是唯一透過衣服內建的發熱纖維Acrylate 6%與環境濕氣產生共振發熱衣原理,所帶給皮膚表面溫暖發熱的感受,不僅溫熱、更能發熱,發熱衣溫度直逼6度,保持恆溫與冬天和睦共處,發熱衣也是冬衣減量的必備衣物,讓旅行出國、早出晚歸的美食外送員、父母祖父母長輩、空姐、機師、愛好滑雪與極限運動的朋友一件溫暖發熱衣物,唯獨aPure feHot發熱衣效果最佳。


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